
Larry Snyder larry at nstar.uucp
Fri Nov 2 23:05:45 AEST 1990

cec at (Cerafin E Castillo) writes:

>		V.42 (LAP-M) will help keep line noise from killing
>	your connection in V.32.  My experience with old SLIP is that
>	V.42 will not cause a problem with ACK or other such SLIP packets.
>	CSLIP (Van Jacobson RFC 1144) will also do pretty good with
>	V.32/V.42.  PPP (Hobby/Perkins RFC 1134) with IP compression
>	(VJ 1144) also exhibits good behaviour.

I assume that these different versions of SLIP are complete replacements -
not options or flags to turn with what I am running?

>		If your tired of hacking your kernel, try getting a TELEBIT
>	NetBlazer.  This will make life easier for a lot of us Serial Line
>	Dial-up IP users.  Call me if you need more info on any of this.

My wife would have a fit - remember - this is a hobby for me (even though
I like to spend money - I can't justify THAT much money)..

       Larry Snyder, Northern Star Communications, Notre Dame, IN USA 
 {larry at nstar, uunet!sco!romed!nstar!larry, nstar%larry at}
                     backbone usenet newsfeeds available
         Public Access Unix Site (219) 289-0282 (5 high speed lines)

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