Wierd SCO UUCP, explain this?

Jay Vassos-Libove libove at libove.det.dec.com
Tue Nov 27 09:09:59 AEST 1990

Can anyone explain this?

I have a SCO Unix 3.2.0 system at home which I set up to talk to
a DECSystem 5810 running a current version of Ultrix. The DECSystem
is _NOT_ at fault for what occurred here...

with a trivial UUCP chat script, e.g.

.... ogin:- at -ogin: hostname word: password

the remote system (the SCO box is always the master) would ALWAYS
say "invalid login" even though interactively typing the same hostname
and password combination would successfully log in the UUCP connection
and get the Shere... line.

.... ogin:- at -ogin: hostname word: password ""

note that the only change is the additional expectation of nothing;
this works!

So, can anyone explain what SCO's UUCP is doing wrong that can cause
the data sent to the remote system during the chat script to be
munged, and how it is fixed by adding a null expect at the end of
the script?


Jay Vassos-Libove                  libove at libove.det.dec.com
Digital Equipment Corporation      decwrl!libove.det.dec.com!libove
Detroit ACT/Ultrix Resource Center Opinions? They're mine, mine, all mine!
Farmington Hills, Michigan         and D.E.C. Can't have 'em!

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