
Jacob Parnas jparnas at larouch.uucp
Tue Nov 6 15:32:31 AEST 1990

In article <1990Nov04.130243.4587 at nstar.uucp>, larry at nstar.uucp (Larry Snyder) writes:
|> jparnas at larouch.uucp (Jacob Parnas) writes:
|> ...
|> >Microcom 3296hs BETA: PROM LEVEL: GOLD: 8/31/90, SERIAL BAUDRATE: 38400
|> what version of SLIP - PPP?

4.3 BSD slip with header compression (Van Jacobson --

| Jacob M. Parnas                    | DISCLAIMER: The above message is from |
| IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Ctr. | me and is not from my employer.  IBM  |
| Arpanet: jparnas at           | might completely disagree with me.    |
| Bitnet: jparnas at yktvmx.bitnet      \---------------------------------------|
| Home: ..!uunet!bywater!acheron!larouch!jparnas | Phone: (914) 945-1635     |

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