What about a Microport System V/386 3.0.1e --> 3.2.2 Upgrade?

Richard Foulk richard at pegasus.com
Tue Nov 6 03:05:58 AEST 1990

>As for Microport not being serious - we are serious about this upgrade.
>What are the comparable upgrade offers from the other Unix houses?
>			Richard Ducoty

Ten or 20 percent of list kinda rings a bell, as an upgrade price (not a
discount).  An upgrade should not be a "discount", but that's what yours
sure looks like, and indeed that's what you called it.

If you paid $1000 for your original package then $100 seems reasonable
for the upgrade.  Now if AT&T tacks on, say, $100 for the new license
then add that on.  That makes it more like 20% in this example (or 80%
discount in your terms).  Remember this is based on vulgar old list

This is closer to what I've seen charged for upgrades of other Unix
ports (and other software packages in general).  I don't think anyone
besides Microport has stated an upgrade policy for R4.  So Microport is
setting new standards for gouging the customer.

Richard Foulk		richard at pegasus.com

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