Digiboard C/X, 16550 UARTS

Lee Bertagnolli lbert359 at pallas.athenanet.com
Sat Nov 17 09:36:12 AEST 1990

I have recently purchased a Digiboard C/X multiport board for use with my 
little AT&T 6386E/20.  The installation was fairly simple, and I am now
happily communicating with the world via the Digiboard, rather than the 
clunky IPC board that came with the 6386E.

However, the increase in the rate of receiving data via Telebit T2500 modems
has not been appreciable.  Whereas I was getting 800-900 cps receiving
data from uunet on the IPC, I am now getting about 1200 cps on the 
Digiboard.  Since the Digiboard is chock full of 16550s, supposedly with
their little FIFOs all enabled, I was expecting to push the T2500 near
its theoretical limit.  This has not been the case.  

On the transmit side, I am routinely sending data at speeds greater than
1600 cps, even with the IPC.  Digiboard has been helpful, but they seem
stumped by the whole thing.  I know some of you folks out there are
blasting away with Telebits, and that this whole issue has been beat
to death relative to FAS drivers and 16550s.  What transmission speeds are
you experiencing, both sending and receiving, with systems equipped with
T2500s, uunet in particular?  Do you have any ideas about this Digiboard?
Does anyone else out there have experience with the Digiboard C/X board?

+ Lee Bertagnolli                +                      Voice: (217) 544-0270 +
+ Athenanet, Inc.                +                      Data:  (217) 525-9019 +
+ 630 South Pasfield             +             UUCP:  {uunet}!pallas!lbert359 +
+ Springfield, Illinois  62704   +          Internet:  lbert359 at athenanet.com +

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