Ultrastore 12C Caching Controller
Tim Wright
tim at delluk.uucp
Wed Nov 28 21:58:31 AEST 1990
In <2432 at sixhub.UUCP> davidsen at sixhub.UUCP (Wm E. Davidsen Jr) writes:
>In article <103 at astph.UUCP> bob at astph.UUCP (Bob Ford) writes:
>| We are running ISC 2.2 UNIX on a 386 system. We have just started
>| an evaluation of the new Ultrastore 12C ESDI disk caching controller.
>| Does anyone out there have experience with this controller?
> This is the controller Dell ships with their boxes.
Is it ??
It certainly isn't in the UK. We ship the 12F which has a floppy controller
on board but no cache (well - 1 tracks worth !!). It does handle 10, 15
and 20MHz drives and overall seems a good controller (the BIOS formatter etc.
is a big improvement over the WD1007A).
Tim Wright, Dell Computer Corp. (UK) | Email address
Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 1RW | Domain: tim at dell.co.uk
Tel: +44-344-860456 | Uucp: ...!ukc!delluk!tim
"What's the problem? You've got an IQ of six thousand, haven't you?"
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