How much does source cost?

Richard Foulk richard at
Sun Nov 11 13:32:21 AEST 1990

>>This just goes to show that Unix truly is the product good enough
>>that even AT&T cannot kill.  Support Mach in your lifetime.
>You'll have to support more than just Mach, as has been pointed out more
>times than I care to remember - the AT&T-free parts of Mach don't even
>include, as I remember, replacements for the functionality of the
>traditional UNIX kernel, much less libraries and utilities atop it.  For
>the rest, you'll probably have to look to 4.4BSD or GNU....

Pay attention Guy.  He did say "in your lifetime".   Which I took to
mean that he knew that there will be a wait before the complete, free
Mach is available.

But everything I've heard says that a completely free Mach IS being
worked on seriously.  It might not be available next year, but hopefully
in our lifetimes.

Richard Foulk		richard at

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