
Jacob Parnas jparnas at larouch.uucp
Sat Nov 3 16:56:09 AEST 1990

In article <1990Oct31.115338.4582 at nstar.uucp>, larry at nstar.uucp (Larry Snyder) writes:
|> ...
|> Are the new V.32 with v.42bis modems the way to go with SLIP?
|> Will it be possible to get throughput in the 15 kbytes range

This would be pretty impressive, around 150000 baud!  I assume you mean
15000 baud.

|> with these new modems (in excess of the carrier rate - after all
|> the modem manufactures claim throughput in excess of 20,000 bps?)

Here's some test results I got:

All tests are between 2 IBM RT/PC's running 4.3 BSD UNIX with
header compressed SLIP and using Dickens Data Systems 8 port adapters.

Microcom 3296hs BETA: PROM LEVEL: GOLD: 8/31/90, SERIAL BAUDRATE: 38400

PING test... PING Statistics----
103 packets transmitted, 102 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip (ms)  min/avg/max = 342/355/382

FTP test: default tcp_recvspace * 1024 *

----		-----------			---	----	-------------
one * 1024 *	best case, all 1's GOLD		get	133K	3.2 Kbyte/sec

/etc/hosts 1024	ascii unix host table		get	200K	2.8 Kbyte/sec

gigiplot 1024	binary, application		get	50K	2.1 Kbyte/sec

vmunix 1024	binary, UNIX kernel		get	1M	1.7 Kbyte/sec

hosts.Z	1024	worst case, precompressed	get	69K	1.1 Kbyte/sec

| Jacob M. Parnas                    | DISCLAIMER: The above message is from |
| IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Ctr. | me and is not from my employer.  IBM  |
| Arpanet: jparnas at           | might completely disagree with me.    |
| Bitnet: jparnas at yktvmx.bitnet      \---------------------------------------|
| Home: ..!uunet!bywater!acheron!larouch!jparnas | Phone: (914) 945-1635     |

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