TCP/IP under ISC (1.2 and 2.0.2)

Dick Dunn rcd at
Tue Nov 20 08:10:06 AEST 1990

jdeitch at (Jim Deitch) writes:
> The current HBTCP v1.2 will work with ISC 2.0.2 90%.  The only things
> that I have seen that don't work are the UDP time services and the
> SLIP.  Seems that ISC disagrees with me on the UDP stuff (Dick are you
> there?) but I have found that it doesn't...

Yah, I'm here, but I'm not your guy.  I think you meant Doug.  My know-
ledge of networking is approximately limited to knowing whom to ask about
it (that generally being Doug).

The UDP time services problem was (Doug tells me:-) a limit on number of
open files in inetd.  Either reduce the number of services in use or
increase the value of NOFILES in the kernel and build a new one.
Dick Dunn     rcd at -or- ico!rcd       Boulder, CO   (303)449-2870
   Cellular phones: more deadly than marijuana.

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