Compatibility lists

Dick Dunn rcd at
Mon Nov 12 18:04:44 AEST 1990

Two cautions on these "compatibility lists":
	- They get out of date in a big hurry.
	- A software vendor's list includes what has been checked out in
	  one way or another; thus while presence of some hardware on a
	  list is a good sign, absence is not necessarily a bad sign.
With all the nameless motherboards (which probably come via a hundred
channels from about a dozen manufacturers, if that:-), various controllers,
odd bits of add-on hardware, etc., the things which *do* end up in compati-
bility lists are the big names, the squeaky wheels, and others which appear
for random reasons (like somebody in the company buying one and reporting

Suggestion for a first cut:  Make an INcompatibility list instead.  That
is, keep track of everything that someone has tried and failed.
Dick Dunn     rcd at -or- ico!rcd       Boulder, CO   (303)449-2870
   Cellular phones: more deadly than marijuana.

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