X.25 hard/software sought

Jim Gottlieb jimmy at denwa.info.com
Tue Nov 20 14:09:45 AEST 1990

We use Interactive Unix 2.2 and are looking for a combined hardware and
software solution to our need to connect to an X.25 network.

We do NOT need to do TCP/IP or any other protocol over it.  We merely
have a connection to a credit-card verification service that requires
that we speak to it via X.25.

I see ads for such things in the mags, but it is always better to hear
from people who have real experience.  The sales people
always seem to forget to tell you that their product tends to crash
your system twice a week.


Jim Gottlieb <jimmy at denwa.info.com>  or  <jimmy at pic.ucla.edu>

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