Looking for SCO Unix X11R4 implementation

Marc Jung mjung at leuze-owen.de
Thu Sep 13 21:12:00 AEST 1990

I had already a look on several news groups to find 
someone who did the job of implementing the MIT tape
X11R4 under SCO Unix V3.2, but there seem to be noone....

Has somebody done this job before ?

We feel that Xsight or Open Desktop are too expensive
to buy, when the X11R4 tape is available, but we did not
succeed in compiling until now....

Marc Jung                         email   : mjung at leuze-owen.de                   
Leuze Electronic, Abt. TDV          old   : uunet!unido!leuze!mjung
In der Braike 1                           : mjung at leuze.UUCP
D7311 Owen / Teck                 voice   : +49 7021 573215 fax: 573200
West - Germany                    ampr-net: dl5saq at db0sao

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