Stuart Lynne sl at
Thu Sep 6 14:59:00 AEST 1990

In article <12870001 at hpnmdla.HP.COM> darrylo at hpnmdla.HP.COM (Darryl Okahata) writes:
}In comp.unix.sysv386, jcurtis at (Jay Curtis) writes:
}> HELP!  I have an Adaptec 1542B with a Wren V 94181-385H SCSI drive.  The
}     Back in March/April 1990, I grabbed a number of files from Adaptec
}via uucp, SCSICTRL.EXE being one of them.  At the end of this message,
}I've included a list of files that I have (the descriptions were taken
}from Adaptec's readme file).  If you still need a copy, send email.

In article <1990Sep5.170317.24942 at> poffen at (Russ Poffenberger) writes:
}In article <1990Sep05.012701.3503 at nstar.uucp> larry at nstar.uucp (Larry Snyder) writes:
}>jcurtis at (Jay Curtis) writes:
}>>I am asking for is a copy of the program "scsictrl.exe" written by Roy
}>>Neese of Adaptec.  It used to be available on adaptex but since adaptex
}>>is no longer (sigh!).....  
}>I also am looking for this program - please send me in the right
}>direction when you find a copy of it (I have the same drive and
}>amd wondering the same thing)..
}I tried to e-mail, but it bounced. If anybody is interested in these programs,
}I have them and can e-mail them out. Note, I only have the DOS utilities, not
}the UNIX ones. Here is what I have...
}1540CPU.LIST    GRDRIVE.EXE     SCSI.EXE        SETSCSI.EXE     sds3.desc
}1540DRV.LIST    GREAD.EXE       SCSICNTL.EXE    readme          setscsi.doc
}GETDEVS.EXE     GWRITE.EXE      SCSIHA.SYS      scsicntl.doc

If I can get copies of these I will make them available for FTP and UUCP
downloading from (aka van-bc).

Stuart.Lynne at ubc-cs!van-bc!sl 604-937-7532(voice) 

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