adaptex update

Mark Seiffert marks at mgse.UUCP
Thu Sep 13 17:07:29 AEST 1990

In article <1867 at> sl at (Stuart Lynne) writes:
>I grabbed Roy Neese's latest and greatest off adaptex. So we now have all
>his great stuff available for ftp:
I have had a real hard time whenever i tried to FTP into van-bc so i have
uucp'd these files from Canada and placed them on the archive server. To 
get the index of available files from adaptex sent to you, send the message
below to archive at mgse.UUCP, you will receive a help file and the index of
files and the index of files that was created by Roy Neese at adaptex.

- cut here --------------------------------------------------------------------
send other/adaptex/index
send other/adaptex/README
- cut here --------------------------------------------------------------------

The archive request above should be sent to archive at mgse.UUCP, or!mgse!archive or rex!mgse!archive or
archive%mgse at REX.CS.TULANE.EDU or archive%mgse at, DO NOT
reply to this post. If you have problems with the archive server, please
send questions to archive-admin instead of archive.

Mark Seiffert,  Metairie, LA.
uucp: !mgse!marks or rex!mgse!marks
bitnet:         marks%mgse at REX.CS.TULANE.EDU
internet:       marks%mgse at

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