OS costs

Dick Dunn rcd at ico.isc.com
Thu Sep 20 03:29:36 AEST 1990

hart at blackjack.dt.navy.mil (Michael Hart) writes:

[I had written...]
> >The BSD license is about as cheap and un-restrictive as they come; it's the
> >next best thing to PD...

> Do I read the above correctly re: BSD licenses?  Can anyone (or almost anyone)
> get a BSD license for source code?  I thought it was much more restrictive.
> Anyone have the straight poop on this, and care to share it???

Sorry to have confused you.  The BSD license _per_se_ is not very
restrictive.  The one catch (but it's a big one!) is that to get the BSD
source for anything they'll send out that's got AT&T code in it, or is
based on AT&T code, you need the (restrictive, expensive) AT&T source
license.  There are things like the networking code that are available
under only the BSD license, but there isn't a complete system that way.
Dick Dunn     rcd at ico.isc.com -or- ico!rcd       Boulder, CO   (303)449-2870
   ...Worst-case analysis must never begin with "No one would ever want..."

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