Buying a 386 box for home.

Dean Riddlebarger dean at
Sat Sep 15 13:59:24 AEST 1990

A few days ago I posted a request for compatibility information as it
concerns ISC UNIX on mailorder machines.  I also said I'd summarize
responses.  I suspect (hope?) that more opinions will arrive over
the next few days, but here's a quick rundown of what I've heard so

Three machines were noted as running ISC with little or no trouble-
a Zeos, Logix, and Gateway 2000.  Speeds and RAM ranged from 16MHz
to 25Mhz, and 1Mb to 16Mb.

Adaptec disk controllers, RLL and SCSI, received passing grades, and
drive manufacturers included Micropolis, Seagate, and Maxtor.

I've done some pricing, but can't draw any conclusions until I get
a quote from Gateway [hey, there's only so many hours in a business

And here's one more question:  What sort of tape backup setups are
some of you running with ISC?  If I duplicate the Wangtek 150 QIC's
that I have in my office [DC6150 tape], it looks like I'm looking
at roughly a kilobuck.  Anyone doing it for less?

Once again I'll summarize as the opinions roll in.

<:>   Dean Riddlebarger                               "The bus came by      <:>
<:>   MIS Manager - Truevision, Inc.                    and I got on,       <:>
<:>   [317] 841-0332                                   That's when it       <:>
<:>   uucp: uunet!epicb!dean   dean at      all began."         <:>

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