BOOTMENU and PFDISK 1.2 (part 2/2)
Gordon W. Ross
gwr at
Sat Sep 8 08:41:02 AEST 1990
Here is part 2 of the BOOTMENU and PFDISK 2.1 distribution.
More detailed descriptions are found in the README file at the
beginning of the first shell archive.
#! /bin/sh
# This is a shell archive, meaning:
# 1. Remove everything above the #! /bin/sh line.
# 2. Save the resulting text in a file.
# 3. Execute the file with /bin/sh (not csh) to create the files:
# SStor.txt
# s_msdos.c
# bootmenu.asm
# bootauto.asm
# asm2bin.bat
# make_msc.bat
# This archive created: Fri Sep 7 18:37:59 1990
# By: Gordon W. Ross (The MITRE Corporation, Bedford, MA.)
export PATH; PATH=/bin:$PATH
echo shar: extracting "'SStor.txt'" '(1027 characters)'
if test -f 'SStor.txt'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'SStor.txt'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'SStor.txt'
Note: SpeedStor (sstor) modifies MANY locations in the boot sector!
The SpeedStor manual says it does not modify locations 0xEA -- 0x17D
BUT THEY LIE! If you use the "Parameter Override" feature, sstor
(evidently) puts the new disk parameters in locations 0xEA -- 0xF9.
If you install BOOTAUTO and then run sstor, using the parameter
override feature, you will have clobbered the BOOTAUTO program in a
way such that it hangs or repeats its menu when you make a selection!
(Yes, I learned this the hard way...)
To get around this problem, I wrote a slimmed-down version of the boot
program, called BOOTMENU, which is designed to carefully avoid the
locations clobbered by SpeedStor. Though this version has the
advantage of SpeedStor compatibility, it does not have the ability to
do automatic, unattended reboots the way BOOTAUTO can. Oh well.
For future reference, also note that sstor will modify locations
0x17E -- 0x1BD if you create SpeedStor partitions. To their credit,
this is indeed mentioned in the manual.
if test 1027 -ne "`wc -c < 'SStor.txt'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'SStor.txt'" '(should have been 1027 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'s_msdos.c'" '(3787 characters)'
if test -f 's_msdos.c'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'s_msdos.c'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 's_msdos.c'
/* This file contains system-specific functions for MS-DOS.
* The program pfdisk.c calls these routines.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dos.h>
#define extern
#include "sysdep.h"
#undef extern
int usage(prog) /* print a usage message */
char *prog; /* program name */
fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s <disk>\n", prog);
fprintf(stderr,"\twhere <disk> is a digit [0-9]\n");
int getGeometry(name, c, h, s)
char *name; /* device name */
int *c,*h,*s; /* cyls, heads, sectors */
int dev; /* hard disk number */
union REGS regs;
struct SREGS sregs;
if (name[0] < '0' ||
name[0] > '9' ||
name[1] != 0 )
fprintf(stderr,"%s: device name must be a digit\n", name);
dev = (name[0] - '0');
regs.h.ah = 8; /* get param. */
regs.h.dl = dev | 0x80;
/* Are that many drives responding? */
if (regs.h.dl <= dev ) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: drive not found\n", name);
if (regs.x.cflag) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't get disk parameters\n", name);
*c = ((((int) << 2) & 0x300) | + 1;
*h = regs.h.dh + 1;
*s = & 0x3F;
int getFile(name, buf, len) /* read file into buffer */
char *name, *buf;
int len;
{ /* (open, read, close) */
int devfd, retval;
devfd = open(name, O_RDONLY|O_BINARY, 0);
if (devfd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't open for reading\n", name);
retval = read(devfd, buf, len);
if (retval < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: read failed\n", name);
int putFile(name, buf, len) /* write buffer to file */
char *name, *buf;
int len;
{ /* (open, write, close) */
int devfd, retval;
devfd = open(name,
S_IREAD|S_IWRITE ); /* stupid DOS... */
if (devfd < 0) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't open for writing\n", name);
retval = write(devfd, buf, len);
if (retval < 0)
fprintf(stderr,"%s: write failed\n", name);
int getBBlk(name, buf) /* read boot block into buffer */
char *name, *buf;
{ /* BIOS absolute disk read */
int dev;
union REGS regs;
struct SREGS sregs;
if (name[0] < '0' ||
name[0] > '9' ||
name[1] != 0 )
fprintf(stderr,"%s: device name must be a digit\n",name);
dev = (name[0] - '0');
segread(&sregs); /* get ds */ = sregs.ds; /* buffer address */
regs.x.bx = (int) buf;
regs.h.ah = 2; /* read */ = 1; /* sector count */ = 0; /* track */ = 1; /* start sector */
regs.h.dh = 0; /* head */
regs.h.dl = dev|0x80; /* drive */
if (regs.x.cflag) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: read failed\n", name);
int putBBlk(name, buf) /* write buffer to boot block */
char *name, *buf;
{ /* BIOS absolute disk write */
int dev;
union REGS regs;
struct SREGS sregs;
if (name[0] < '0' ||
name[0] > '9' ||
name[1] != 0 )
fprintf(stderr,"%s: device name must be a digit\n", name);
dev = (name[0] - '0');
segread(&sregs); /* get ds */ = sregs.ds; /* buffer address */
regs.x.bx = (int) buf;
regs.h.ah = 3; /* write */ = 1; /* sector count */ = 0; /* track */ = 1; /* start sector */
regs.h.dh = 0; /* head */
regs.h.dl = dev|0x80; /* drive */
if (regs.x.cflag) {
fprintf(stderr,"%s: write failed\n",name);
if test 3787 -ne "`wc -c < 's_msdos.c'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'s_msdos.c'" '(should have been 3787 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'bootmenu.asm'" '(5005 characters)'
if test -f 'bootmenu.asm'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'bootmenu.asm'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bootmenu.asm'
PAGE 60,132
; bootmenu: BOOT Hard Disk Partition
; by Gordon W. Ross, Aug 1990
; See the file bootmenu.doc for user instructions.
; This version of bootmenu is compatible with SpeedStor.
; See the file sstor-bug.txt for the gory details.
; The following is an outline of the program:
; Relocate self from 0x7c00 to 0x0600
; Display partition menu
; Prompt for and read user selection
; Boot from the selected partition:
; (was selected by user, or was active)
; Read first sector of selected partition into 0x7c00
; Verify good second-stage boot sector (magic word)
; Set-up correct register values and jump to it.
CODEORG equ 0600h ; offset of this code in code seg
; All values computed from offsets in codeseg need to be
; adjusted by adding CODEORG to each. The obvious method,
; using "org CODEORG" causes MASM/LINK to fill in the space.
codeseg segment
assume cs:codeseg, ds:codeseg
; Initial program entry point
; (Assembler is told this is at offset zero.)
; Set up the stack
xor ax,ax
mov si,7C00h ; just before load location
mov ss,ax
mov sp,si
; Relocate this code from 0:7C00h to 0:CODEORG
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov si,7C00h ; where this program is initially loaded
mov di,CODEORG
mov cx,0100h
rep movsw
; Jump to relocated code (0:CODEORG)
jmp far ptr begin1
begin equ $ ; The above jump lands here.
; Print partition menu from name table
call putnl ; print newline
mov si, offset pnames ; no org fix-up here!
mov al, '1'
push si
push ax
call putc
mov al,' '
call putc
mov cx,8 ; maximum name length
call putn
call putnl
pop ax
pop si
add si,8
inc al
cmp al,'4'
jbe prname
; Prompt for and read user selection
call putnl ; print prompt
mov si, offset prompt + CODEORG
call puts
mov ah,0 ; Read a keystroke and print it
int 16h
push ax
call putc
call putnl
pop ax
sub al,'1' ; range check and convert to index
cmp al,04
jnb select
; Boot from the selected partition.
; On entry to this section: AL = index of ptable element
; get address of ptable element (si = & ptable[AL])
mov si, offset ptable ; no org fix-up here
mov cl,16 ; size of array element
mul cl ; ax = al * cl
add si,ax
; Check for valid system ID (non-zero)
mov al,[si+4]
cmp al,0
jnz id_ok
mov si, offset msgempty + CODEORG
jmp error
; Read first sector of selected partition into 0x7c00
; Also, mark this entry active (in RAM only) in case the
; secondary boot program looks at it (which it may).
mov al,80h ; active flag
mov [si], al
mov cx,5 ; retry count
retry: push cx
mov dx,[si] ; drive, head
mov cx,[si+2] ; cyl, sector
mov bx,7C00h ; destination (es=0)
mov ax,0201h ; BIOS read one sector
int 13h
jnc rd_ok
xor ax,ax ; reset disk
int 13h
pop cx
loop retry
mov si, offset msgread + CODEORG
jmp error
rd_ok: pop cx
; Check for valid magic number in secondary boot sector
mov ax, 0AA55h
assume ds:seg0 ; Actually, codeseg == seg0
cmp ax, magic2
assume ds:codeseg
jz magic_ok
mov si, offset msginvalid + CODEORG
jmp error
; Make sure ds:si points to the booted partition, and
; Jump to the secondary boot program.
jmp far ptr begin2
; Jump here with si=error-message
call puts
call putnl
jmp menu
; Subroutines
putc proc near ; print char in AL
mov ah, 0Eh ; uses: ax, bx
mov bx, 07
int 10h
putc endp
putnl proc near ; print a newline
mov al, CR ; uses: ax, bx
call putc
mov al, LF
call putc
putnl endp
puts proc near ; print string at address SI
mov cx,80 ; Stop at null or CX chars
putn: lodsb ; uses: ax, bx, cx, si
cmp al,0
jz puts_e
push cx
call putc
pop cx
loop putn
puts_e: ret
puts endp
; A little space here makes this program live happily with
; SpeedStor, which wants to write type-override stuff here.
org 100h
; Strings
prompt db "Boot partition? (1-4) ",0
msgempty db "Empty!",0
msgread db "Read error!",0
msginvalid db "Invalid!",0
codeseg ends
; Declares some offsets in segment zero
seg0 segment at 0
org CODEORG + (offset begin - offset main)
begin1 equ $
; Here is the name table used for the partition menu.
; The accompanying fdisk program updates this table.
org CODEORG + 180h
pnames db 32 dup(?)
; The locations after 1AE are (reportedly) used by some
; Western Digital controllers in "auto-configure" mode.
; Don't put anything critical between here and ptable.
; Here is the partition table
org CODEORG + 1BEh
ptable db (4 * 16) dup(?)
; Here is where the secondary boot sector is loaded.
org 7C00h
begin2 equ $
org 7DFEh
magic2 dw ?
seg0 ends
end main
if test 5005 -ne "`wc -c < 'bootmenu.asm'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'bootmenu.asm'" '(should have been 5005 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'bootauto.asm'" '(6427 characters)'
if test -f 'bootauto.asm'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'bootauto.asm'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'bootauto.asm'
PAGE 60,132
; bootauto: Auto-boot version of BOOTMENU program
; by Gordon W. Ross, Aug 1990
; See the file bootmenu.doc for user instructions.
; The following is an outline of the program:
; Relocate self from 0x7C00 to 0x0600
; Display message "Booting from HD0,"
; Search partition table for an active entry
; If an active partition is found,
; Delay while watching for key press (5 sec.)
; If (key pressed) GOTO menu:
; Else GOTO boot:
; EndIf
; Else (no active partition)
; menu: Display partition menu
; Prompt for and read user selection
; EndIf
; boot: Boot from the selected partition:
; (was selected by user, or was active)
; Read first sector of selected partition into 0x7c00
; Verify good second-stage boot sector (magic word)
; Set-up correct register values and jump to it.
; If (Errors during boot) { complain; GOTO menu: }
DELAY equ 5*18 ; in ticks (1/18 sec.)
CODEORG equ 0600h ; offset of this code in code seg
; All values computed from offsets in codeseg need to be
; adjusted by adding CODEORG to each. The obvious method,
; using "org CODEORG" causes MASM/LINK to fill in the space.
codeseg segment
assume cs:codeseg, ds:codeseg
; Initial program entry point
; (Assembler is told this is at offset zero.)
; Set up the stack
xor ax,ax
mov si,7C00h ; just before load location
mov ss,ax
mov sp,si
; Relocate this code from 0:7C00h to 0:CODEORG
mov ds,ax
mov es,ax
mov si,7C00h ; where this program is initially loaded
mov di,CODEORG
mov cx,0100h
rep movsw
; Jump to relocated code (0:CODEORG)
jmp far ptr begin1
begin equ $
mov bp,sp ; frame pointer = 0x7C00
sub sp,4
; 2 words of local storage:
; [bp-2] = ptable index [0-3]
; [bp-4] = temporary value
; Display message "Boot device: HD0"
mov si, offset bootdev + CODEORG
call puts
; Search partition table for an active entry
mov al,0
call addr_pt ; si = & ptable[AL]
mov DL,[si]
cmp DL,80h
jz found
inc al
cmp al,04
jb search
; Active partition not found
jmp menu
found: ; Found a partition marked active.
mov [bp-2],ax ; Save the ptable array index
; Delay while watching for key press (2 sec.)
; Get start time, compute end time.
mov ah,00
int 1Ah ; BIOS get time of day
add dx, DELAY ; compute end time
mov [bp-4],dx ; save expiration time
; Check for key press
mov ah,1
int 16h ; BIOS Keyboard
jnz menu ; key pressed
; Check for expiration of delay
mov ah,00
int 1Ah ; BIOS get time of day
sub dx,[bp-4]
js waitkey ; delay not expired
; Delay has expired, so boot the active partition
mov al,','
call putc
mov ax,[bp-2] ; ptable index
; the index and newline are printed later
jmp boot
; Display partition menu
mov ah,1 ; flush input
int 16h
jz fl_done
mov ah,0
int 16h
jmp menu
; Print partition menu from name table
call putnl ; print newline
mov si, offset pnames ; no org fix-up here
mov al, '1'
push si
push ax
call putc
mov al,' '
call putc
mov cx,8 ; maximum name length
call putn
call putnl
pop ax
pop si
add si,8
inc al
cmp al,'4'
jbe prname
; Prompt for and read user selection
call putnl
mov si, offset prompt + CODEORG
call puts
; Read a key and convert it to a number
mov ah,0
int 16h
sub al,'1'
cmp al,04
jnb select
; The key and a newline are printed below
; Boot from the selected partition.
; On entry to this section: AL = index of ptable element
; get address of ptable element
call addr_pt ; si = & ptable[AL]
; print the parition index and a newline
add al,'1'
call putc
call putnl
; Check for valid system ID (non-zero)
mov al,[si+4]
cmp al,0
jnz id_ok
mov si, offset msgempty + CODEORG
jmp error
; Read first sector of selected partition into 0x7c00
; Also, mark this entry active (in RAM only) in case the
; secondary boot program looks at it (which it may).
mov al,80h ; active flag
mov [si], al
mov cx,5 ; retry count
retry: push cx
mov dx,[si] ; drive, head
mov cx,[si+2] ; cyl, sector
mov bx,7C00h ; destination (es=0)
mov ax,0201h ; BIOS read one sector
int 13h
jnc rd_ok
xor ax,ax ; reset disk
int 13h
pop cx
loop retry
mov si, offset msgread + CODEORG
jmp error
rd_ok: pop cx
; Check for valid magic number in secondary boot sector
mov ax, 0AA55h
assume ds:seg0 ; Actually, codeseg == seg0
cmp ax, magic2
assume ds:codeseg
jz magic_ok
mov si, offset msginvalid + CODEORG
jmp error
; Make sure ds:si points to the booted partition, and
; Jump to the secondary boot program.
jmp far ptr begin2
; Jump here with si=error-message
call puts
call putnl
jmp menu
; Subroutines
putc proc near ; print char in AL
mov ah, 0Eh ; uses: ax, bx
mov bx, 07
int 10h
putc endp
putnl proc near ; print a newline
mov al, CR ; uses: ax, bx
call putc
mov al, LF
call putc
putnl endp
puts proc near ; print string at address SI
mov cx,80 ; Stop at null or CX chars
putn: lodsb ; uses: ax, bx, cx, si
cmp al,0
jz puts_e
push cx
call putc
pop cx
loop putn
puts_e: ret
puts endp
addr_pt proc near ; set SI = address of ptable[al]
push ax ; uses: cx (but preserves ax)
mov si, offset ptable ; no org fix-up here
mov cl,16 ; size of array element
mul cl ; ax = al * cl
add si,ax
pop ax
addr_pt endp
; Strings
bootdev db "Boot device: hd0",0
prompt db "Boot partition? (1-4) ",0
msgempty db "Empty!",0
msgread db "Read error!",0
msginvalid db "Invalid!",0
org 180h ; this pads the length (it seems)
codeseg ends
; Declares some offsets in segment zero
seg0 segment at 0
org CODEORG + (offset begin - offset main)
begin1 equ $
; Here is the name table used for the partition menu.
; The accompanying fdisk program updates this table.
org CODEORG + 180h
pnames db 32 dup(?)
; The locations after 1AE are (reportedly) used by some
; Western Digital controllers in "auto-configure" mode.
; Don't put anything critical between here and ptable.
; Here is the partition table
org CODEORG + 1BEh
ptable db (4 * 16) dup(?)
; Here is where the secondary boot sector is loaded.
org 7C00h
begin2 equ $
org 7DFEh
magic2 dw ?
seg0 ends
end main
if test 6427 -ne "`wc -c < 'bootauto.asm'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'bootauto.asm'" '(should have been 6427 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'asm2bin.bat'" '(262 characters)'
if test -f 'asm2bin.bat'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'asm2bin.bat'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'asm2bin.bat'
@echo off
REM This batch file builds file.bin from file.asm
if not arg%1==arg%1 goto arg
echo supply base name of file.asm, i.e. file
goto exit
echo on
masm %1,,;
link boot-hdp,;
@echo Ignore the 'no stack...' warning
del %1.obj
exe2bin %1
del %1.exe
if test 262 -ne "`wc -c < 'asm2bin.bat'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'asm2bin.bat'" '(should have been 262 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
echo shar: extracting "'make_msc.bat'" '(104 characters)'
if test -f 'make_msc.bat'
echo shar: will not over-write existing file "'make_msc.bat'"
cat << \SHAR_EOF > 'make_msc.bat'
REM this batch file uses Microsoft C to build pfdisk.exe
cl -o pfdisk.exe pfdisk.c syscodes.c s_msdos.c
if test 104 -ne "`wc -c < 'make_msc.bat'`"
echo shar: error transmitting "'make_msc.bat'" '(should have been 104 characters)'
fi # end of overwriting check
# End of shell archive
exit 0
Gordon W. Ross (M/S E095) | internet: gwr at
The MITRE Corporation | uucp: (backbone-host)!linus!gwr
Burlington Road | Day-phone: 617-271-3205
Bedford, MA 01730 (U.S.A.) |
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