Protecting against downloads

Larry Snyder larry at nstar.uucp
Fri Sep 14 05:40:16 AEST 1990

heiser at (Bill Heiser - Unix Sys Admin) writes:

>As far as I can see, we either have to trust the users that we give
>shell access to, or make kermit/sz, etc unavailable to them.  I guess
>we could just make downloads only available thru the "bbs", rather than

here at nstar, there are no shell accounts except for mine..

       Larry Snyder, Northern Star Communications, Notre Dame, IN USA 
 {larry at nstar, uunet!sco!romed!nstar!larry, nstar!larry at}
                     regional UUCP mapping coordinator
         Public Access Unix Site (219) 289-0282 (5 high speed lines)

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