Will Adaptec 154x work with 45 meg Syquest Removable?
Stephen Hite
shite at unf7.UUCP
Tue Sep 25 16:19:15 AEST 1990
I've tried to send e-mail to Roy Neese with very long uucp paths but they
keep bouncing back from cs.utexas.edu so I thought I'd post it here because
it may be of value to others who are thinking of doing the same:
I have an SE/30 and a 386 Clone PC. I'm running Interactive Unix v2.2
with 2 MFM drives (being controlled by the PS-180 16F Perstor card...a 72 meg
Atasi and a ST251-1.) I'd like to buy the 45 meg removable Syquest drive...
this way I could have it serve triple-duty with my Mac and Unix System (I
also have a native DOS partition on the 386). Will the 154x Adaptec SCSI
controller drive this Syquest on the Unix side *and* is it also possible to
install a device driver in my config.sys on the native DOS partition so I
can have the 3 drives online there?
I called Hard Drives International and a ""technical representative""
(wow, first time I've ever had to use quadruple quotes! ;) and he said
that I'd have to drop one of the MFM's so the SCSI could come up. I think
I read in your SCSI docs that you *could* have 2 MFM's hookup up in native
DOS and adding a driver to config.sys would take care of the SCSI drive(s)
He also said that the 154x would not work with the Syquest 45meg removable.
I believe that I recently read that Doug Pintar of Interactive had noooo
troubles on the Unix side with the Syquest other than you could not switch
cartridges once it was mounted on boot-up...this would be a neat addition
to 386/ix 2.3 if they decide to add this feature.
I've pretty much decided that HDI doesn't use the drives they sell ;)
and Doug Pintar has been the most reliable source of information to date
for the Unix side. I'm hoping, Roy, that you could possibly help to resolve
my ramblings once and for all so I can feel more confident about making the
154x Adaptec card and Syquest purchases.
I guess there's still a chance that the Syquest won't come up under
386/ix 2.2 because my motherboard or graphics card doesn't "like" the 154x.
I have a 16 Mhz TMC 386 Motherboard (2 years old now) and a Video7 Fastwrite
graphics card. Your opinions would be greatly appreciated...thanks Roy!
Steve Hite
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