UUCP (HDB) - urgent !

Leslie Mikesell les at chinet.chi.il.us
Thu Sep 27 06:42:19 AEST 1990

In article <1812 at utoday.UUCP> sean at utoday.UUCP (Sean Fulton) writes:
>In article <1990Sep24.134639.360 at wsrcc> wolfgang at wsrcc (Wolfgang S. Rupprecht) writes:
>>fkk at stasys.sta.sub.org (Frank Kaefer) writes:
>>>I have a really severe problem with UUCP (HDB). I think this could be a
>>>real bug of HDB UUCP and I urgently seek some advice. [...]
>>>uucico: exit code 101
>Check /etc/passwd to make sure stasys has a valid account, a valid
>directory, and a valid shell (/usr/lib/uucp/uucico). The login itself
>was actually completed, it was the waiting for Shere= that died.

Another thing to check is the /usr/lib/uucp/Permissions file on the
remote machine.  I don't know if there is any indication of a
problem in the -x9 debug output, but I have seen uucico fail silently
due to a syntax error in the Permissions file.

Les Mikesell
  les at chinet.chi.il.us

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