why does vi insist on deleting to big chunks of my precious code???

Greyham Stoney greyham at hades.ausonics.oz.au
Fri Sep 7 13:32:15 AEST 1990

I have an intermittent problem with 'vi' under 386/ix 2.0.2, where vi will
suddenly decide to delete every precious handcrafted character in my file
from the cursor right down to EOF. It then deliberately and maliciously
leaves me in insert mode so that doing an "undo" wont get it back.

It seems to happen when the system load is high so that I have several
characters of typeahead waiting for vi to catchup; I yank a line with 'yy',
move up a line with 'k', hit 'P' to insert the line above, perhaps 'x' a few
times to delete some unwanted characters in the newly inserted copy, and
blammo: when vi finally catches up to me, it's blown away everything below the

Has anyone else noticed this sort of thing?. Failing that, what key sequences
(other than ':command's, cos I'm definitely not going near the ':' key) would
cause everything below the cursor to be deleted?. Perhaps I'm hitting one of
these combinations somehow?.

So, what's YOUR favourite "delete from cursor to EOF" vi sequence?.

						thanks, Greyham.
/*  Greyham Stoney:                            Australia: (02) 428 6476
 *  greyham at hades.ausonics.oz.au - Ausonics Pty Ltd, Lane Cove, Sydney, Oz.
 *		Neurone Server: Brain Cell not Responding.

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