more than 2 drives

John Core johncore at compnect.UUCP
Sat Sep 8 22:12:48 AEST 1990

on microport V386 r. 3.0Ue /dev/rdsk has the following entries
./        0s3       1s24      f05d8t    f0d9d     f15d9t    f1d9dt    ramd0
../       0s4       1s25      f05d9     f0d9dt    f15h      f1q15d
0s0       0s5       1s3       f05d9t    f0q15d    f15ht     f1q15dt
0s1       0s6       1s4       f05h      f0q15dt   f15l8t    f1q9dt
0s2       1s0       1s5       f05ht     f13dt     f15l9t    fd
0s24      1s1       1s6       f0d8d     f13ht     f15qt     fd048
0s25      1s2       f05d8     f0d8dt    f15d9     f1d9d     fd148

since I don't see a 2snnn or a 3snnn

how do you add drive 3 and four????


Wizard Systems              |    UUCP:   uunet!wa3wbu!compnect!johncore
P.O. Box 6269               |INTERNET:   johncore at compnect.wa3wbu
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John Core, SYSOP            |-------------------------------------------------
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a woman is just a woman, but a good cigar is a smoke.   -R. Kipling

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