yacc Problem on 386 based System V

Alex Martelli staff at cadlab.sublink.ORG
Fri Sep 7 02:09:37 AEST 1990

rob at dutncp8.tudelft.nl (Rob Kurver) writes:

	... about out-of-space problems with yacc of Tom Maszerowski ...
>My guess is that this is your 'out of space' problem:  one of the internal
>tables is full.  Perhaps you can talk your UNIX vendor into giving you a
>yacc binary compiled with bigger tables.

I'd guess the same.  However as a fix I'd try "Berkeley yacc", which
is source-distributed but freely usable (no gnu-like restrictions); I 
got it from Austin Codeworks on the same diskette as Bison (and, who 
knows, FSF may be about to change their policy on libraries...?).

Alex Martelli - CAD.LAB s.p.a., v. Stalingrado 45, Bologna, Italia
Email: (work:) staff at cadlab.sublink.org, (home:) alex at am.sublink.org
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