ISC UNIX 2.2 & parallel port hangs

Todd Ogasawara todd at uhccux.uhcc.Hawaii.Edu
Tue Sep 18 05:59:57 AEST 1990

I have an HP ThinkJet connected to my 386 box with a Centronics parallel
cable (vanilla, nothing fancy). Every now and then lp will just sit there
and not print anything to the printer despite that fact that 'lpstat -t'
reports that it is printing. I've found that I have to completely reboot
the system to get the printer to work again.

Has anyone else noticed this problem? Thanks...todd

Todd Ogasawara, U. of Hawaii
UUCP:		{uunet,ucbvax,dcdwest}!ucsd!nosc!uhccux!todd
ARPA:		uhccux!todd at nosc.MIL		BITNET: todd at uhccux

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