Using su under SCO 3.2.2

rick furniss rickf at pmafire.UUCP
Sun Sep 23 16:27:34 AEST 1990

   Individual type users cannot su to other individual accounts.

   To have a user be able to su to another account do the following:
   Make sure the user has the su authorization,
user must be created as an operator, administrator, or other TYPE
user that is allowed to su to individual user accounts.
  You must create the account to be su'd to as a TYPE user other than
individual, and then allow the other user as the su login user for that
account.  Play around with it, you,ll get it figured out.
  TYPE users are superuser,operator,administrator,security,&psuedo, &
  To see how this all works, create a new user, without using the defaults

  I personally purchased SCO Unix partially because it had C2 myself.
  Its part of the future of computing, just as well get use to it.
  Too many years people, bussiness's have cried for security, now they are
starting to get it. 
   Its too bad you cannot relax it to no security, for those who really 
want to leave thier systems open.

Rick Furniss
rlf at

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