ISC 2K file system problems

Doug McNeil mcneild at spock
Mon Sep 24 22:23:19 AEST 1990

In article <1990Sep19.142511.8092 at> src at (Heiko Blume) writes:
>cpcahil at virtech.uucp (Conor P. Cahill) writes:
>well, did anybody really try it yet? or is everybody waiting for the
>first article 'problems with 2.2 2K file system' ? ;-)
I've been using a 2K file system on a 200MB SCSI drive for some time now
(Interactive 2.2). Traffic is not that high...typical developement stuff. 
Oracle V6.0 is also in use on the disk. No problems have been experienced.

"Smokin" Doug McNeil			| uunet!mitel!spock!mcneild
Mitel Corporation, Kanata, Ontario	| (613)592-2122
"I know a lot of fancy dancers.." - Cat Stevens	|

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