tunable parameters > max
Tim Wright
tim at delluk.uucp
Tue Sep 25 18:03:00 AEST 1990
In <4444 at ash14.UUCP> cramerk at motcid.UUCP (Kristin J Cramer) writes:
>Is it possible to change the maximum on a tunable parameter ??
>Can I change the MAX value in the mtune file and rebuild the
>kernel ??
>The question arises from the need to take AT&T SysV 3.2 and
>set the NSTRPUSH value to something greater than 9 (say 20).
>Is this at all possible ??
>Kris Cramer
With most parameters, the answer is yes. Some of the supposed
"Maximum values" defined by AT&T are quite frankly ludicrous.
For instance, ULIMIT is something like 6MB. I bump it to 256MB.
Similarly, many other parameters can be increased above the
"maximum". It really is *most* unhelpful to have misleading values
in this file. As to NSTRPUSH, I'm not sure whether this is a hard
limit. You can always try, and if it dies, revert to your old
Tim Wright, Dell Computer Corp. (UK) | Email address
Dell Computer Corp. (UK), Bracknell | Domain: tim at dell.co.uk
Tel: +44-344-860456 | Uucp: ...!ukc!delluk!tim
"What's the problem? You've got an IQ of six thousand, haven't you?"
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