150 - 250 MB Tape Drives?

Larry Snyder larry at nstar.uucp
Thu Sep 20 12:04:47 AEST 1990

cws at janus.Quotron.com (Craig W. Shaver) writes:

>That's what I did.  Call Dialo at Smart Ideas, (617) 536-6323, and tell him
>I sent you.  He will help you out with the details and give you a good price
>also ($625.00 = archive 150S).

One of the discount houses in PC Week is advertising the 
Archive 2150S for $499 (they also have Maxtor 3280 SCSI drives
for $699 new / $599 used).

       Larry Snyder, Northern Star Communications, Notre Dame, IN USA 
 {larry at nstar, uunet!sco!romed!nstar!larry, nstar!larry at ndmath.math.nd.edu}
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