Adaptex ?? scsicntl??

Gary Heston gary at sci34hub.UUCP
Wed Sep 5 00:26:23 AEST 1990

In article <3700 at> howardl at ( WB3FFV) writes:
>From various people and articles:

>>>Does anyone have any idea what the status of Roy Neese and adaptex is?

>> Judging from his terse message a few weeks back about adaptex going off
>> the net, and the fact that you can't reach him there by phone, it looks
>> like bad things of some sort are happening or have happened at Adaptec.

>I was informed that Roy Neese had moved out of the technical department and
>into upper sales management (which gave Roy a nice pay increase).  It seems

I'd still like to know why they disconnected. That has impacted some of
our software development peoples' efforts, since they can no longer discuss
problems/configurations via email. Was Roy the only person there who could
maintain a mail link? Do they intend to re-connect at a later date? Will
there be a different contact path for email someday? I got the impression
that upper management ordered the plug pulled, and I'd like to know why.
If for no other reason, so that I can guard against it here.....

>P.S. -  I guess it dosen't pay to be a Techie any more :-)

It never has. Around here, an incompetent manager makes twice what a good
engineer does, plus has profit-sharing. And this is a long way from 
Silicon Valley.

I've crossposted this and directed followups to news.admin, since this
is diverging away from 386 unix matters....

    Gary Heston     { uunet!sci34hub!gary  }    System Mismanager
   SCI Technology, Inc.  OEM Products Department  (i.e., computers)
"The esteemed gentlebeing says I called him a liar. It's true, and I
regret that." Retief, in "Retiefs' Ransom" by Keith Laumer.

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