Jay Schuster jay at banzai.PCC.COM
Sat Sep 1 05:17:27 AEST 1990

In <1990Aug26.192516.2755 at pilikia.pegasus.com> art at pilikia.pegasus.com (Art Neilson) writes:
>In article <941 at helens.Stanford.EDU> yergeau at EE-CF.Stanford.EDU (Daniel W. Yergeau) writes:
>>How do you increase the ULIMIT parameter?
>In ISC UNIX, you can just add the following line:
>to the file /etc/default/login.

Note that this does not change the ULIMIT for processes spawned by init,
such as cron.  (Yes, we were bitten by this).

The second solution give is a good solution (idtune'ing it up), or, in
our case, we changed rc2.d/S75cron to set the ulimit based on what was
in the /etc/default/login file.
Jay Schuster <jay at pcc.COM>	uunet!uvm-gen!banzai!jay, attmail!banzai!jay
The People's Computer Company	`Revolutionary Programming'

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