<21688 at scuzzy.mbx.sub.org>

Larry Snyder larry at nstar.uucp
Mon Sep 17 01:41:08 AEST 1990

src at scuzzy.in-berlin.de (Heiko Blume) writes:

>for completeness the config is
>informtech 386DX 33MHz board with
>  4 MB 70ns rams on board
>  4 MB 70ns rams on 32bit ram card
>  BUS speed set to 12 MHz (had to put in pins for jumpers,
>  might that cause the problem? since you say that the DMA is independant
>  of the bus speed i don't think so, and i *wont* try out....)
>adaptec aha-1542a (ST296N, pro80-s, 94181-702 drives)
>hercules mono with parralel port
>dumb 2 port serial card

recently we obtained roy neese's utilities and changed some of the
parameters in the drive having to do with the percentage of buffer
full before accepting new data (the default was 4 and we changed
it to 8).  we also enabled the buffer on the drives (CDC shipped the
drives with the buffer disabled).  The combination of both of these
changes resulted in a large increase in throughput.

we are running with an 8 mhz DMA, buss on of 10 and off at 5.

motherboard is a soyo 25 mhz '386 with 8 megs running 386ix 2.2

       Larry Snyder, Northern Star Communications, Notre Dame, IN USA 
 {larry at nstar, uunet!sco!romed!nstar!larry, nstar!larry at ndmath.math.nd.edu}
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