Comtrol - a very good smart asy card

Joe Broniszewski joe at astph.UUCP
Wed Sep 5 05:29:28 AEST 1990

We have also had very good response from Comtrol.  I did an evaluation
of about 6 other multiport serial boards.  Comtrol came out on top in
may areas.  They have great tech support; this IMHO is their strongest
point.  If anyone is would like some of the information that I gathered
from doing this evaluation, ask by e-mail.  I looked at Arnet, Consensys,
Digiboard, Stargate, Comtrol, Anvil, and LSInc.
  Joe  Broniszewski   ||      Philadelphia      ||         (814) 234-8592x4
  astph!joe at psuvax1   ||        Phillies        ||         psuvax1!astph!joe

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