How to set 3COM etherlink II IRQ to != 3, and other stuff

Bruce M Ong DeadHead at
Thu Sep 27 12:32:48 AEST 1990

The ISC2.0.2 TCP/IP manual says you could change the 
default interrupt level on 3COM Etherlink II (3c503) card
to something other than IRQ3 by  "setting the
IRQ jumper value on the board to be a number
other than 3"  but  -- may be I am gong blind --
but for the life of me I cannot find a jumper
to set IRQ on that board :) . On MSDOS systems
you can  set the IRQ using software, but how do
you change the IRQ value for ISC unix? Do I have
to use the dos software to set the IRQ first (major

Another question - does anybody know if the
"lockd" is running correctly on the latest 
release of ISC unix?

- thanks -
deadhead at

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