Sys V Unix TCP/IP abilities

Bill Poitras bill at polygen.uucp
Tue Sep 25 01:06:14 AEST 1990

I have noticed that Xenix/286 has trouble receiving rlogin/rexec calls from 
a BSD client.  Is this indicitive of all SYSV implementations of TCP/IP 
software.  What I am trying to do is authorize PC Users on a network,
and the way I am doing it is by making an rexec call (which uses the BSD 4.2 
spec) to a Xenix 286 machine.  If the rexec call succeeds, the authorization
program lets them in.  Can anyone give me help here?  Is this doable with 
what I have?  Are all SYSV TCP/IP alike?  Any help would greatly be appreciated.

| Bill Poitras    | Polygen Corporation       | {princeton mit-eddie        |
|     (bill)      | Waltham, MA USA           |  bu sunne}!polygen!bill     |
|                 |                           | bill at            |

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