OS costs

Conor P. Cahill cpcahil at virtech.uucp
Thu Sep 20 20:20:56 AEST 1990

In article <hart.653741863 at blackjack> hart at blackjack.dt.navy.mil (Michael Hart) writes:
>I'm a relative newcomer to this wonderful, weird thing called Unix(tm):-)
>Do I read the above correctly re: BSD licenses?  Can anyone (or almost anyone)
>get a BSD license for source code?  I thought it was much more restrictive.

Yes, anyone can get a BSD license for very little cash.  The problem is that
you must have an AT&T license (for something like version 7 or so) to get
the full BSD distribution.  If you just want the BSD code (i.e. the stuff
that has no AT&T stuff in it) you can get that for free from archive sites
like uunet.

Conor P. Cahill            (703)430-9247        Virtual Technologies, Inc.,
uunet!virtech!cpcahil                           46030 Manekin Plaza, Suite 160
                                                Sterling, VA 22170 

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