Which machines support SCO with over 8megs ram?

Bill Vermillion bill at bilver.UUCP
Fri Sep 21 12:17:48 AEST 1990

In article <144 at stbimbo.UUCP> bgi at stbimbo.UUCP (Brad Isley) writes:
>It is hard to believe we've had so much trouble with this, but we're having
>difficulties working with SCO finding a hardware platform that will support
>their OS with over 8megs of ram installed.  Does anyone have any firsthand
>experience with this?  Our 2nd machine just got sent back.

I find that hard to believe - are you running on some clone machines that
was designed with DOS only in mind.

I have a client with a Wyse 386, running SCO, and it's chugging along
merrily with 12 megs in it.

Bill Vermillion - UUCP: uunet!tarpit!bilver!bill
                      : bill at bilver.UUCP

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