Problems adding scsi disk to SCO UNIX

Eric S. Deese esd at liebert.uucp
Thu Sep 20 03:32:00 AEST 1990

I'm running SCO UNIX 3.2.0 on an IBM PS/2 Model 80,
and I'm attempting to add a SCSI disk.  I have the
stock ESDI controller with two drives attached, the
primary is an IBM 110M (set up as a single partition
as root) and a Micropolis 330M (split equally as
/usr/spool/news and /usr/local).  I have an Adaptec
host adapter that has an existing Archive 150M tape
attached and all above is working fine.  To this, I
am adding a Micropolis 660M SCSI disk.  I have it
all cabled properly and the id's set.  However, when
I attempt to perform "mkdev hd" (like the doc's say),
it only lets me choose SCSI adapter 2 or 3.  If I
choose one of these, I get a shift error from
/usr/lib/mkdev/scsi and the process aborts.
Alternatively, I can issue "mkdev scsi", and
everything appears to work.  The kernel gets rebuilt,
but there are no new entries in /dev on which to
perform "mkfs".  I have RTFM, and it indicates to
run "mkdev hd" twice.  It won't even run once.  Does
anyone have any hints?

Also, how would you configure the file systems?  My
initial thought is to use the primary ESDI as root
(I don't have much choice), the secondary ESDI as
/usr/spool/news and the SCSI as /usr/local (without
partitioning any of the drives.  Any other good

Eric Deese (osu-cis!liebert!esd) 614-841-5508 Liebert Corp.

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