Looking for kernel routine similar to sprintf(). ISC 1.0.6

John W. DeBoskey jwd at unx.sas.com
Sat Sep 8 02:21:27 AEST 1990

Hello netlanders,

   I'm working on a device driver, and had a use for the sprintf()
function which I promptly found out doesn't exist in the kernel, and
is just a munged call to printf anyways... A coworker mentioned using
the function ksprintf(), but I couldn't find it either. So,
hence my question.

   Does Interactive Unix, Version 1.0.6 have an internal function
that does the same as sprintf()?

   As a 2nd question, is there a GOOD AT&T manual specifically
written for the 386 Unix environment, covering kernel routines
and their interfaces, and possibly the differences between

                                   Thanks Much!
                                     John W De Boskey

jwd at unx.sas.com       (w) rti.rti.org!sas!jwd       (919) 677-8000 x6915
jwd at baggins.ral.nc.us (h) mcnc.mcnc.org!baggins!jwd (919) 481-1057 (preferred)

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