PD uugetty for Interactives 386/ix?

John R. Levine johnl at esegue.segue.boston.ma.us
Sun Sep 2 02:53:04 AEST 1990

In article <90243.123640RREED at ucf1vm.cc.ucf.edu> you write:
>A friend of mine without net access (now, but if you can help, that will
>change!) asked me to see if I could find a PD uugetty replacement for his
>386/ix system.

Rather than using uugetty, use either the async driver on the X5 or X6
update disks, or else the public FAS driver posted here.  Both of them
provide separate /dev entries for dialin and dialout, so you can run a
modem both ways without uugetty.  I have used both, and they both work.

FAS is somewhat faster, X5/X6 supports VP/ix.  Both take advantage of
the extra buffering in a 16550 ASYNC chip.

John Levine, johnl at esegue.segue.boston.ma.us, {spdcc|ima|world}!esegue!johnl

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