Bidirectional Modem Port on Open Desktop (SCO Unix)

Rob Freyder rob at lafayet.UUCP
Tue Sep 11 06:55:56 AEST 1990

	I am trying to get a bidirectional modem port to work properly under
Open Desktop.  I have Telebit T2500 connected to tty1a.  Can someone help
me with the configuration.  

If the port is disabled we are successful at dialing out.  When we enable
the port we can dial in but it disconnects immediately.  (DTR drops low).

We are using uugetty instead of getty..  any suggestions ?

thanks in advance.  Rob. 
Rob Freyder                                  Core Laboratories a division of
____    ____     ____                        Western Atlas International Inc.
\   \  /   /\   /   /\                       =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
 \   \/   /  \ /   /  \                      Humans     (318) 235-9431
  \  /   / \  /   /\   \                     Internet   rob at lafayet.UUCP
   \/___/   \/___/  \___\                    Bang    ...!uunet!rouge!lafayet!rob

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