ANSI-C compatible cc in SysV??

rick at tmiuv0.uucp rick at tmiuv0.uucp
Wed Sep 12 21:25:35 AEST 1990

In article <2 at>, heiser at (Bill Heiser - Unix Sys Admin) writes:
>>< In article <9395 at ubc-cs.UUCP> rlin at (Robert Lin) writes:
>>< Is the cc in Interactive System V 3.2 ANSI-C compatible? I tested cc on a
>>< small program with function prototyping ANSI style, and cc promptly
>>< choked. Looking through the cc man page reveals no special switch for ANSI
>>< C compatibility.
>>and other tools).
> I did the same thing with 'cc' on my Esix system.  It choked too.
> I tried it with gcc on the same system, and it worked.

Easily understood.  The cc that comes with SVR3 is _not_ an ANSI compiler.
Never has been.  Never will be.  Now, the cc that comes with SVR4 _IS_
ANSI-compliant.  SCO Unix comes with both the AT&T compiler (invoked by
using 'rcc' instead of 'cc') _AND_ the Microsoft ANSI compiler (invoked
by 'cc'), so you have both ways.

If you have SVR3 and want ANSI, cheaply, GCC is the way to go.

[- O] Rick Stevens, Technology Marketing Incorporated
  ?   EMail: uunet!zardoz!tmiuv0!rick -or- uunet!zardoz!xyclone!sysop
  V   CIS: 75006,1355 (75006.1355 at from Internet)
      (Opinions are mine.  No one listens to me here anyway.)

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