ISC DWB question

Roger Cornelius rac at sherpa.UUCP
Mon Sep 10 15:58:58 AEST 1990

This is a plea for help!

I recently purchased ISC's Documenters Workbench v2.2 from a mail-order
company and the documentation was missing.  The binder was still in shrink
wrap with disks, etc., it was just missing documentation.  The mail order
firm (Programmers Connection) suggested it would be quicker to contact ISC
myself (they were wrong!).

I've spoken with someone at ISC on two occasions and the person was very
helpful.  She just hasn't been able to determine what it is I need (Hell,
I don't even know, that's why I'm posting this:)).  The first time I called
she said I needed the "Text Processing Workbench Guide" and she sent it
to me.  What I got was another binder with 21 pages of introduction and
installation instructions.  The second time I called (I knew what she sent
couldn't be right), she named off two titles (listed below) and sent those.
They were paperbacks.  The binder is still empty except for those 21 pages.

So finally, here is my question.  Can someone who has purchased this
package please detail to me exactly what documentation was or should be
included?  At least I'll be able to call ISC and specifically request
the stuff by name.  The following lists what I've gotten so far.

1.  A binder which includes:
    Text Processing Workbench Guide   5 pages
    Installation Instructions         16 pages
There were no loose-leaf man pages - should there be?  This 2 inch
binder sure looks empty with only 21 pages in it.

2.  A paperback titled:
    (I'm not sure I was even supposed to receive this)
    "Documenter's Workbench Software Technical Discussion and Reference Manual"

3.  A 21 page side stapled pamplet-like book titled:
    "Documenter's Workbench Software Handbook for New Users"

If anyone can provide clues on this it will sure be helpful.

P.S.  To the person/company I should have purchased this from (you know
      who you are), I'll know better next time :).
Roger A. Cornelius          rac at sherpa.UUCP         uunet!sherpa!rac

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