VGA programming example for ISC UNIX

Pim Zandbergen pim at
Sat Sep 8 02:15:29 AEST 1990

Could anyone help me get started doing some simple
VGA programming for ISC UNIX ?

I have been trying lots of ioctls described in display(7),
but have not been able to draw anything.

Any example program doing any kind of drawing in whatever
resolution will be greatly appreciated.

I do have Thomas Roell's VGA X11 server on-line,
but one can hardly call that an "example program" :-)

Thanks in advance.
Pim Zandbergen                          domain : pim at
CTI Software BV                         uucp   : uunet!mcsun!hp4nl!ctisbv!pim
Laan Copes van Cattenburch 70           phone  : +31 70 3542302
2585 GD The Hague, The Netherlands      fax    : +31 70 3512837

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