elm and SCO Open Desktop (SCO Unix) MMDF error from submit

Rob Freyder rob at lafayet.UUCP
Fri Sep 21 12:17:14 AEST 1990

Elm doesnt work unless root sends the mail.  If a non-root user sends mail
an error is generated by submit ...

I know this came across a few times last month but since I didnt have ODT I
didnt capture the info.  There is a fairly simple fix for this... Has anyone
else still got this fix hanging around ???

There is a problem with the way permissions are set I think.

Thanks ...  Rob.

Rob Freyder                                  Core Laboratories a division of
____    ____     ____                        Western Atlas International Inc.
\   \  /   /\   /   /\                       =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-
 \   \/   /  \ /   /  \                      Humans     (318) 235-9431
  \  /   / \  /   /\   \                     Internet   rob at lafayet.UUCP
   \/___/   \/___/  \___\                    Bang    ...!uunet!lafayet!rob

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