lpsched eats CPU time

John Temples john at jwt.UUCP
Fri Sep 14 09:44:44 AEST 1990

I've noticed that the /usr/lib/lpsched process on my system has used
7:53 of CPU time since being booted 11 days ago.  I can't understand
this since I don't even have a printer connected to the system.  I
checked the lp log file, and it has no entries aside from "print
services started" or "print services stopped" at each reboot.  I've
never even configured the system for a printer; lpstat -t just shows
"scheduler is running; no default destination."  I'm not really
concerned about 43 seconds a day disappearing, just curious as to
what's going on.  Anyone know?

The system is Esix D.
John W. Temples -- john at jwt.UUCP (uunet!jwt!john)

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