Which UNIX?

Moellers josef at nixpbe.UUCP
Mon Sep 24 16:52:17 AEST 1990

In <gL3TP2w163w at mudos.ann-arbor.mi.us> mju at mudos.ann-arbor.mi.us (Marc Unangst) writes:
[stuff deleted]
>sysadmsh may be good for the novice sysadmin who doesn't know a
>password file from device driver.  But it's an absolute pain in the
>ass when you know what you're doing, and need to get it done quickly
>and efficiently.

I couldn't have said it better. Comment of one of my colleagues:

| Josef Moellers		|	c/o Nixdorf Computer AG	|
|  USA: mollers.pad at nixdorf.com	|	Abt. PXD-S14		|
| !USA: mollers.pad at nixdorf.de	|	Heinz-Nixdorf-Ring	|
| Phone: (+49) 5251 104662	|	D-4790 Paderborn	|

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