Which 386 UNIX binaries run on which 386 UNIXs ?

Tin Le tin at smsc.sony.com
Fri Sep 7 12:27:32 AEST 1990

In article <1990Sep5.095656.12778 at fiver> palowoda at fiver (Bob Palowoda) writes:
> Actually I tried the same thing with Informix and had about the same results.
>What I would really like to see is some sort of OMF <-> COFF conversion 
>utility. Or should I say "conversion/tranlation" utility. Or maybe
>"conversion/translation/bugfilter" utility. The point is Xenix will 

There are, they have been there in ISC since v1.0.6 (maybe even earlier).
I don't remember the exact names now, my manuals are at home, but I believe
it is called "conv" or "omf"...  It has been a couple of years since I
last used it.

>eventually die off, nobody will want to spend the time doing ifdefs if
>they had the tool to do the conversion. I'm not an expert on compiliers,
>maybe some of the compiler guru's out there can comment if this can 
>be done. 

-- Tin Le

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. tin at smsc.sony.com | {uunet,mips}!sonyusa!tin
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