Wiring terminals 300 ft. from the computer

Floyd Davidson floydd at chinet.chi.il.us
Tue Sep 25 15:25:58 AEST 1990

In article <1142 at atti07.ATT.COM> rjw at atti07.ATT.COM (Ralph J. Winslow x7774) writes:
>->What type of wiring would be needed for this?  Would shielded be ...
>-50 feet is supposed to be the max for serial cable, however I've seen runs
>-up to ~500 feet or so with no problems.  Your milage may vary.  4-wire is
>-usually good enuf, with a breakout box you can play with the signals and
>-figure out which ones your box and tubes require.
>That's true, but be careful to use twisted pairs if you use 4-wire.
>Actually, use twisted pair(s) whatever wire you use.

Pray tell what does using twisted pair wire do on an unbalanced
circuit?  Nothing.  Twisted pair will do wonders for common mode
rejection on balance telephone lines, maybe on RS-422, but nothing
for RS-232.


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