Beyond the 16M memory barrier

Mike Burg mburg at unix386.Convergent.COM
Sun Sep 16 15:36:11 AEST 1990

In article <47137 at> james at (James Van Artsdalen) writes:
>In <9569 at ubc-cs.UUCP>, rlin at (Robert Lin) wrote:
>> Does any present day 386 UNIX variant support memory beyond the 16M
>> limit, say on an EISA machine?
>Dell unix (ISC derived) running on a Dell 425TE or Dell 433TE supports
>up to 64meg I believe.  These are EISA tower configurations.

Wasn't there (is there) a version of Release 3.2 (something like 3.2.2) that
allowed the system to work on machine that had more than 16MB? I believe that
the drivers that use DMA had to be modified to use special routines to
move the data below the 16MB limit.

Mike Burg
Unisys Corp, San Jose

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