SCO's ODT does not work on any 80486?
Fred Rump
fred at cdin-1.UUCP
Tue Sep 18 01:02:17 AEST 1990
firewind at xroads.UUCP (Tom Parker) writes:
>Yesterday I was on a conference call with a person my company sold a '486 to,
>and Technology Powers Enterprise(TPE) who made the motherboard. It seems
>that SCO's ODT will not install on this motherboard. When our customer
>called, SCO asked him what kind of computer it was.
First of all, SCO requires that ODT be installed by a professional SCO
reseller, typically an APC (advanced product center or level III reseller). The
customer should only get involved with the reseller who will have delivered a
'working' system.
>They said that since it
>wasn't on their list of "approved" 80486's that they could offer no help. So
>TPE gets involved and finds out that SCO has not tested ODT on *ANY* 80486!!!
Second of all, we've not even bothered trying ODT on a 386 but have installed
it ONLY on 486 boards. Of course, I never heard of TPE either and it may
really not work on that board. But again, that is something you should know
before you ever sell the product.
> Yet they advertize that it runs on the '386 and '486! Sound deceptive? TPE
>has tried to loan one of their motherboards to SCO for testing ODT, yet SCO
>has not been too receptive to this at all.
How many boards would you like SCO to test? Should they hire an army of
testers just so that you sell some off the wall motherboard?
>So, a little warning to the wise. I'd avoid ODT if I were you, especially if
>you want to run it on a '486!
> Tom
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I would suggest dealing with a professional company that tests its products
before selling them to the user instead. SCO is not in the hardware business.
Those that assemble hardware are. They should make sure their product works in
the desired environment lest they be considered charlatans.
Fred Rump
Fred Rump | Home of Brother John Software
CompuData, Inc. |
10501 Drummond Rd. | Bang: {uunet dsinc}!cdin-1!fred (800-223-DATA) Philadelphia, Pa. 19154| Internet: fred at COMPU.COM (215-824-3000)
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